You can keep in touch with your camper in three different ways:
1. You can email Bunk Notes to your camper and view pictures of what is going on while they are at camp by registering online.
1. Click here to register
2. Click “Register Here”
3. Enter your Pre-Approved Registration Code. The code was emailed to you once you registered your camper. If you need the Registration Code again, please call us at 979-249-3232.
4. Purchase Bunk Notes credits.
5. View camper pictures and send an email to your camper!
2. You can bring mail with you to registration marked with what day you want it delivered.
3. You can send mail during the week to the following address. Please ensure it arrives by Wednesday of your camper’s week at camp.
Camper’s Name, Lutherhill
PO Box 99
La Grange, TX 78945